Maker's Note - Mayhem Shawl by Åsa Tricosa

Maker's Note - Mayhem Shawl by Åsa Tricosa
Meeting up with knitters at festivals and events, I'm often asked to share my experience and opinions about the garments and knitting patterns we feature. Today's Maker's Note is about Mayhem Shawl by Åsa Tricosa.Why I loved making it …Knitting MAYHEM was a knit I looked forward to working on every day until it was complete. Starting with Åsa’s signature shawl tab cast-on, I was intrigued with how...

Simple Ziggurats - Jubilæum Edition

Simple Ziggurats - Jubilæum Edition
One of the trends I’ve noticed in sweater designs during the past year or two is that there are more options. Gone are the days of cookie-cutter patterns where the only choice you make is size. Designers recognize that knitters are individuals and we want options!I think that’s one of the best things about the Jubilæum version of Åsa Tricosa’s Simple Ziggurat. This pattern includes many cle...

Change is in the Air

I am delighted to announce that we are spinning off our Fairport brick and mortar store, leaving it in the more-than-capable hands of Dawn Verdugo and Jessie McNaughton who have been working for Yarn Culture for several years.With a new name and new location, Lift Bridge Yarns will be open more hours, offer a broader selection of yarn and products and deliver a bigger assortment of classes, events...