
We take great pride in curating and providing quality products to our customers. If you have any concern or difficulties placing an order online please feel free to email us at customerservice@yarnculture.com Monday-Friday, 10:00a-3:00p. If you prefer to place your order by phone, we are happy to process that order for you during the same hours. Please send an email, including your time zone and the best time to reach you. If we are not available during that time, we will suggest alternate times.

Every attempt is made to keep our online stock accurate, however during periods of high activity our online stock levels may be inaccurate. If we cannot fill your order then we will contact you to find the best solution.

When you order multiple skeins of a yarn with a dyelot, we will do our best to send you all the same dyelot. We may send you mixed dyelots if we believe there is little to no difference between lots. We will contact you if the difference in lots is more than we believe is acceptable.