The Annual Summer Sale is ON

It's time again for the Yarn Culture Annual Sale! Long time customers know this is our best sale of the year with the largest selection and best markdowns across the board!
The sale will kick off with IN STORE ONLY for our Rochester-area customers on THURSDAY, MAY 30, from 4p -8p. We'll open the sale to all customers - local and online - on FRIDAY, MAY 31 beginning at 10a.
Sale Hours:
Thursday, May 30, 2019: 4p – 8p IN-STORE ONLY
Friday, May 31, 2019: 10a – 5p IN-STORE AND ONLINE
Saturday, June 1, 2019: 10a – 5p IN-STORE AND ONLINE
40% - 75% OFF SELECT COLORS AND BASES INCLUDING: The Uncommon Thread, Rosy Green Wool, Walk Collection, Life In the Long Grass, Julie Asselin, Spun Right Round The Fibre Co. and more!
NOTE: This sale is for both online and local customers. As hard as we try, it may be that we run out of sale items before we can get our systems updated across the board. We will refund your online order ASAP if we cannot fill it.
If you haven't made your Knit in Public plans yet and can't make it to Yarn Culture's second annual KIP in Fairport, come join me and a wonderful community of knitters and crocheters at StitchUp Brooklyn. Brainchild of Michele Costa, Creator of StitchUp Chicago, this is a chance for our community of knitters and crocheters to meet up, hang out and knit or crochet. No classes (but a wonderful SOS session with Patty Lyons) or vendors (but awesome samples and swatching opportunities from a great group of sponsors). And we'll get to knit together at the Brooklyn Bridge Park on Saturday! Sound like fun? Find out more here about how you can join in!